ALEXANDER SCHARF (*1990 in Munich) works and lives in Munich.


2011 - 2014: State-certified Communication Designer for Graphics and Media, Designschule, Munich
2015 - 2017: Sculpture and Time Based Media with Prof. Stephan Huber, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich
2016 - now: Art Education with Prof. Res Ingold, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich
2016 - 2023: Educational Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
2017 - 2021: Sculpture with Prof. Alexandra Bircken, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich
2020 - 2021: Scholarship for Media Art, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe
2020: Master Student of Prof. Alexandra Bircken
2022: Fine Arts Diploma, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich
2023: 1. State Exam, Educational Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich

Solo Exhibitions

ETERNALS, Riviera Records, Munich 2022
DAYLIGHT, Graduation Show, Munich 2022
JASON, Rosa Stern Space, Munich, 2021
GENPOOL BABY EXTREM, AkademieGalerie, Munich, 2019
LAMBORGHINI CRYING, Kösk, Munich, 2018
BARBIEHAUS & EKELKLAUS, Obahoha Project, Munich, 2018
POST WAR HAREM, downstairs. Galerie, Munich, 2016

Selected Group Exhibitions and Projects

MESSIER SUBJECTS, Nebyula/Rosa Stern Space, Munich, 2024
UPSI, Space N.N., Munich, 2024
BLECH-REISEN, Ritterstraße 3, Berlin, 2024
SLIPPING INTO BRIGHTNESS, Various Others, Zirka Space, Munich, 2023
ALCHEMY OF HOPE, ReBonkers, Varna, Bulgarien, 2023
VIDEO CLUB EDITION 12, Same Heads, Berlin & The living Gallery, New York, 2023
YOUNG ART, Lost Weekend Gallery, Munich, 2023
FRAGMENTS OF SONIC EXTINCTION / EDITION 2, Website Project with Kalas Liebfried, Munich, 2023
SPACE OPENING, Unsorted Systems, Munich, 2022
GNADE, Galerie der Künstler*innen, BBK, Munich, 2022
SOFIA ART WEEK V, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2022
APOCALYPTIC HEDONISM, Rosa Stern Space, Munich, 2022
TURN BACK TIME, ReBonkers, Varna, Bulgaria, 2022
FRAGMENTS OF SONIC EXTINCTION, Website Project with Kalas Liebfried, Munich, 2022
JANUAR, Goldberg Galerie, Munich, 2022
AM ENDE GEWINNT DER TROLL, Orangerie, Munich, 2021
SOFIA ART WEEK, Aether Art Space, Sofia, 2021
AMBIENT DU PASSAGE, contribution for Kalas Liebfried, Goethe Institut, Paris, 2021
TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN HUNTING, Kunstpavillon, Munich, 2021
TEAM HULA - ILLE GALERIE, ille Galerie, Munich, 2020
DRAWING RESTRICT, Rosa Stern Space, Munich, 2020
TEAM HULA - MOPED, Goldener Reiter, Munich, 2020
AUS DER STRÖMUNG IV, Kunst Block Balve, Munich, 2019
AUS DER STRÖMUNG III, Kunst Block Balve, Munich, 2019
AUS DER STRÖMUNG I, Kunst Block Balve, Munich, 2019
TEAM HULA - RAINBOWROAD, Sehr Wohl, Munich, 2019
NOT SO FAR, Zradzil Project, Antwerpen, 2018
TEAM HULA - DAS SUPRA NATURA PROTOKOLL, iV - Kunst und Forum, Munich, 2018
BILLBOARD, AkamdieGalerie, Munich, 2017
KLASSEN, Streitfeld Project, Munich, 2016
TEMPEL, Monticule Festival, South France - Domaine de Gayfié, 2016
UNBOXING PANDORA, Kunstpavillon, Munich, 2016

Website Projects

FRAGMENTS OF SONIC EXTINCTION / EDITION 3, Website Project with Kalas Liebfried, Munich, 2024
FRAGMENTS OF SONIC EXTINCTION / EDITION 2, Website Project with Kalas Liebfried, Munich, 2023
FRAGMENTS OF SONIC EXTINCTION / EDITION 1, Website Project with Kalas Liebfried, Munich, 2022

Nomination, Award, Scholarships

Award: The best Galleries and Off-Spaces in Munich, Rosa Stern Space e.V., 2023
Scholarship Programm „Junge Kunst und neue Wege“, 2022
Shortlist: Rotary Club Art Award in cooperation with Akademieverein Munich, 2022
Award: The best Galleries and Off-Spaces in Munich, Rosa Stern Space e.V., 2021
Scholarship for Media Art at Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe, 2020

Jobs and Activities

2014 - now: Cofounder & Art Director, Team Hula, motion & communication design studio, Munich/Berlin
2016 - 2018: Student Assistangt, Media Workshop, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich
2018 - 2020: Student Assistent of Alexandra Bircken
2019 - 2022: Artistic Advisory Board of Junge Haus der Kunst Freunde, Haus der Kunst, Munich
2021 - now: Chairman & Art Director, NEBYULA / Rosa Stern Space e.V., art space, Munich


Horst und Edeltraut

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